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PYP Exhibition – Action!

On Friday, two other students initiated a ZIS beach clean-up day as part of their exhibition action. Below is their description of this action: Our Action, by Liya “Action is to do or change something. Our topic is plastic pollution in the sea. My action for Exhibition is cleaning up the ZIS beach. We had the idea because Logan and I went to the ZIS beach during our mentor meeting with Ms. Zanda and we saw lots of plastic there, so we want to go and clean it up. Then we thought that we can take the other students from other class and clean it up together (Year 5 and Year 6 students). Our goal for our action is to clean up most of the garbage on the beach to save more sea animals and sea birds to get less affected by the plastic on this beach.” Our Action, by Logan “Action is taking all your exhibition information and doing something about it. My topic is about plastic in the ocean. My action is to clean up the ZIS beach. We thought of this idea because when I saw the ZIS beach, there was a lot of plastic there. Liya and I went to different classrooms, (Y5 Y6) because we want to inform people about the beach cleanup. We then spoke to the class and they were surprised by our facts so a lot of them signed up to join and clean the beach with us. We got our trash bags and gloves labeled and we are ready to do this. My goal is to clean up almost all the trash on beach, put the plastic and the trash into bags, throw the bags in the big garbage bin behind the school, and then the trucks take them to recycle them. That is my action of the PYP exhibition 2021.”

We are so proud of this generation of children, as they have such a heart for working together to make this world a better place.

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