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ASAs begin Sept 5 2022

Dear Parents, 尊敬的家长:

We are pleased to offer a selection of after school activities – I hope you will find many opportunities for your child to expand their skills and interests with these offerings.

A school bus is available weekdays after activities to transport students to the Horizon Cove clubhouse.  Students in Primary need to be picked up from the clubhouse by an appointed adult. Each activity has a minimum and a maximum number of students.  We will do our best to accommodate all interest.

Please sign up by scanning the QR code here and in the information pdf below for the digital survey by noon of Friday, September 2. This was also sent via email.



在周一至周五 ,会提供接送车送课后兴趣班的学生们到海怡湾畔会所。小学部学生们需要由指定的大人到会所接。每个班都有最低开班人数和满班人数。我们将尽力满足所有人的选择。如需报名,请扫码填写链接中的二维码,于9月2日(星期五)中午之前填回电子问卷。费用将在开课后收取。


Warm regards, 谨致问候,

Andrew VanderMeulen

Head of School

安德鲁校长 珠海国际学校

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